Wednesday, June 26, 2013

a word from Xander and Bly about technical things they don't understand

She looked nervous, but, of course she was, she had been asked (ordered, rather. Lithonien wouldn't be happy to hear of her being ordered to do something like this) by her Author to aid the mystery people of what was to take place in a few short days, and, she truly was a bit confused by the whole thing herself.
But Xander was here, his fingers entwined with hers as he sat by her side, surely he knew more about this than she did.  She exchanged a glance with him that left her less assured in that fact.
"So, it has come to our attention, or rather, to the attention of our writer, that..." Bly trailed off, and again looked up at Xander, who smiled encouragingly and picked up where she had left, "There seems to be this device called 'google friend connect' that will be reaching the end of it's....lifetime?"
Bly bit her lip, "It was not under my impression that it was alive to begin with, perhaps...more like...the end of it's..." she sighed, "We'll just stick with lifetime"
Xander nodded and cleared his throat before continuing, "So, it is ending, and, apparently mystery people use it to watch us"
"thats eerie" Bly shivered, and Xander nodded gravely, "how do they constantly see what we are doing? I find it disturbing.  What if they were to leak our plans to Felix?"
Bly's eyes grew wide with fright, "Would they do that?"
"We can only pray that Yahweh holds the Author back from such actions"
There was a moment of silence as they took in what a threat these people could be be, these strangers in the sky who read of their every move.
"Where we we?" Xander spoke first, and it prompted a smile, even a hesitant one, from Bly, "I think we were at...oh, we were at the part right before we said..." she frowned, "I'm not entirely sure"
Xander laughed this time, "Very well, than, I shall skip ahead and hope we don't miss any details.  From what has been explained to me, and, you must understand, it was scarce, as the Author mentioned something about 'destruction of the time line' and, some weird words like 'wibbily wobbily' and said if she explained too much, it would ruin the Aragathian time era, but, that is also puzzling to me"
Bly nodded in quick agreement, it was all rather complicated. What did the words 'wibbily wobbily' mean? She should see, later, if Lithonien had come upon such terms in his studies.
"I went off on a rabbit trail again, pardon, but, from what I understand, this Google Friend Connect device is dying, and that, with it's demise, you Mysterious ones will lose the ability to follow our lives"
He mumbled something under his breath, but even Bly didn't entirely catch what it was he said.
"And, the Author wanted us to help you to awareness of a new device, or...was it new, Bly? Or was it simply undiscovered?"
"I think it was discovered, just not often used, that is, if my understanding is to be trusted" Bly spoke now, gripping Xander's hand as she did, "I believe it was called Bloglovin, which, is confusing, what is a blog?"
"Yes, we know what loving is"
Bly pushed Xander's shoulder gently, her face heating up to the tips of her pointed ears, and pleading under her breath for him to remain discreet.
She seemed to have problems focusing her thoughts after that, and so Xander took over, still grinning from his remark, "The Authoress said something about, to the right, on the sidebar, and around the Google friend connect gadget.  her message must have been in strange code for you Mystery People, since I literally do not understand a word of it.  What and where is a sidebar? How could the blogloving be near the Google friend connect? I don't understand, and frankly, I am not going to try to.  I have other things, like, how I will possibly bring about my great uncle's demise to think on"
"Thats awkward, to think Felix is your great uncle" Bly's voice was barely above a whisper, as it seems she was still recovering from her embarrassment.
"No more awkward than your older brother being madly in love with my grandmother" Xander looked down at her, and Bly had to smile.
Elvish time lines were all very complicated in the long wrong, they weren't at all normal.
Your brother could easily have been young and alive during the time your true love's grandmother was still a maiden unwed.
It was, when one thought about it...
all so...

wibbily wobbily.

{Note from Author:
Bly and Xander did try their best, but I fear they probably didn't understand enough of their topic to make their point come across clearly, so, i shall speak in simple, short terms for you.
1-Google Friend Connect, the thing you all use to follow this, and probably every other blog you are interested in, is going away monday.
2-But, never fear, for like a valiant knight, bloglovin is prepared to rescue us all!
3- If you are interested in following Incantevole Tales via bloglovin (of course you are), than look to the right for a little blue gadget.
4- do be a dear and click it.
5-otherwise, Adonis might be angry at losing followers.
6-and thats never good.}

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Bly {Part 8}

"Today is the last day the Voronwë army will remain in the city. As soon as the sun rises in the morning, they shall march. Xander rides with my people, and Lithônien has informed us that he too plans on taking sword and fighting. I know that it has nothing to do with him feeling as if were his duty to help fight evil as much as it is he is seeking revenge for our brother.
I pray to Yahweh that Thalion yet lives, but I fear I must prepare myself for the worst.
Mother is distraught, and Father is staying behind to care for her, but as a councilman, he cannot risk death in fighting.
This world I once looked upon as full of wonder and delight has suddenly turned darker, my childlike eyes have been opened, and I see now that every cloud might have it's silver lining, but it also has it's dark rumblings.
Should my brother and Xander, whom I love and yet cannot confess my feelings for, do not return, I do not know how I will continue. I desire this war to end, so none may die, however, I desire more that it had never started, and so Tenzin and Thalion would both be safe, and whole"

She closed her little leather book, and set it on a shelf near the little writing table, and stopped up her ink well before rising and shaking out her blue skirts.
She wanted to find Xander, but if she spoke with him now, it would only make the parting in the morning come harder.
She realized the house was quiet, and she left her room. Her Mother was no where to be found, and so Bly decided to head towards the stables. Ciar and Rudy had been left primarily on their own since Bly had brought Xander to them. However, when she reached the place they had been housed, she was told that they had been moved to the palace where they had been given individual stables. She thanked the stable hand, and strolled idly through the streets. She was acknowledged by her people, a bow of the head, and the honored title of Lady Ambassador spoken in reverent tones as she passed.
How had so much changed in such short time? Mere months ago, she had just been Tenzin's lowly apprentice, hardly noticed, like a shadow. And now, her people honoured her, bowed their heads to her, and halted in whatever duty they were busy in as she passed, continuing it only when she was out of sight.
She continued walking until she found herself standing on the shores of the bay, staring out into the shining waters with the gentle lapping of the waves upon the rocks easing her soul.
"As it seems you aren't going to acknowledge my presence, I suppose I'll just go" she jumped as Xander's voice teased her from behind, and turned quickly, tucking a strand of blond hair behind her ear as the wind snatched at it.
"I do beg forgiveness, M'Lord" she colored in a soft blush, and watched in dismay as Xander's smile weakened.
"I really do wish you'd drop the formality, Bly"
"I, I'm sorry..." She clenched her hands in front of her at her waist, and looked down at her boots.
There was a silence between them for a moment, and then Xander pulled her into his arms, holding her close in one precious moment. Her heart fluttered as he kissed the top of her head, and continued to hold her.
The wind blew around them, and her long hair was played with the impish fingers of the wind, and she shivered slightly. Though, more from a rapture of sudden joy than actual cold.
Finally, Xander tilted her chin upwards to look at him, and she blushed a rosy pink, realizing their closeness.
"Don't ever be sorry, Bly. I love you as you are, everything about you is beautiful, even that color tinting your face; in fact I could kiss you right now, but I'm not entirely sure if that's the proper behavior for a heired King"
Bly blushed deeper, and looked back down, hoping to hide the rich red her face was turning. "Xander" how good it was to say his name again, the old familiarity between them returning. But no, it wasn't the same. It was different. It was a better feeling than what they had before, it wasn't just friendship, it was...more.
His fingers replaced the wind, and gently ran through her hair, "yes?"
She gripped his tunic, steeling herself, forcing courage, "Xander,, you are....the way...." She closed her eyes tightly, "Xander I love you" her heart had been pounding in nervousness, but as the words left her tongue, she felt at peace, and as calm as one of the clouds above head that were beginning to be painted hues of red by the sunset.
For a moment, he was silent, and she began to feel worried, and looked up at him, only to find his green eyes already watching her.
He didn't need to speak, she could see it in them, his answer, his reply, his emotions were so clearly written in those perfect eyes, and yet he did.
"And Bly, you are my very life. I believe I have loved you since I first saw you in Felix's dungeon. I just didn't know I loved you yet. And each time I see you now, my heart aches to hold you. Each time I see you worry, I desire to fight your fears for you, and beloved Bly..."
And then, he did kiss her, caring little for the ways a king, or prince, should act, he did kiss her right upon the shores of the Väneesë bay. And she was taken by surprise, but slowly kissed him back.
And she knew there would be no parting from him in that moment and for eternity.

Their moment broke quite suddenly, and was mainly caused by someone clearing their throat behind them, "I really do hate to break this intimate moment between the future King of Aragathia and my sister, but the said future ruler has been requested to join the troops for battle plans"  Lithônien stood a few feet behind them, his hands clasped behind his back, and his eyebrows arched in a manner that implied he wasn't entirely pleased with what he had witnessed.
Bly stepped away from Xander, and cast her eyes down to the ground, a blush deeper then all it's predecessors heating her face.  She had no words, not even an apology to her elder brother.  She wasn't sorry she had kissed Xander, though, Lithônien's manner suggested that perhaps she should be.
Xander nodded once at the head scholar, though Bly's downward gaze didn't catch it, and he took her hand gently.
"This might be goodbye until I return"
Bly looked up, and curled her fingers around his, bringing his hand close to her heart, "Don't be so dramatic, Xander" she forced a unsteady smile to her face, "Besides, I've decided, I'm going with you to Aragathia"
When she had decided that, she couldn't tell, it just seemed like the only option now.  There was no possible way she could stay behind in Voronwë, not knowing how he fared, or being there to take care of him if he needed her.
However, both Lithônien and Xander spoke at once, "No you are not" and both cast each other a certain look, that might have been humorous to Bly in any other time but now.
"I am, and neither one of you can change my mind" Bly lifted her chin in what she hoped looked like stubbornness.
"We can, however, lock you in your room like an ill behaved child.  You are a lady, and a young one at that.  A Battle is no place for you, Bly" Lithônien rolled his eyes, and began walking away.
"I am the only Ambassador Voronwë has, Lithônien!" Bly glanced towards Xander, pleadingly, and then back at the retreating form of her opposing brother.  "I must go, for the matters of state"
Lithônien didn't reply, but Xander smiled faintly, "she does have a point. If Voronwë will be in need of an ambassador, it would cause quite a loss of time to have to send for her"
Lithônien stopped, his hands clenching at his sides. 'he doesn't want me to go....though, in this matter, even as my eldest brother, he will not have a say'
Bly crossed her arms, trying to look taller, bigger, more important. "The Aragathian government will be starting anew, Lithônien. There will be treaties and politics; outside of the Councilmen, who cannot leave Voronwë in war times by oath, I am the only Elf equipped for such a task. I fear, this matter is outside of all of our hands. I am duty bound to go, and you have no right to interfere with this matter"
Oh how good it was to be a states person.
"Fine" Lithônien's reply was a low grumble, "But, you are also duty bound to remain safe. You must not come near the battle, but remain enough of a distance away to not be in harms way" Bly was giving herself a mental hug over her achievement, but her brother wasn't finished, "also, there will be a guard squad assigned to you. You are more than just a Ambassador's little pupil now, you are the sole ambassador and not to mention, Felix wanted you imprisoned for some reason. Your safety cannot be jeopardized"
She nodded quickly, being sure to appear perfect obliged to his demands.
Lithônien rolled his shoulders as if they ached, and started walking away again, not even bidding her a parting word.
Xander smiled, and took her hands quickly, he looked as if he wanted to say a million things, and yet, couldn't get a single word out.
"Y-you should probably go with him" she smiled at him, and brushed a dark strand out of his eyes. His hair was getting longer, and the slightly rough look fitted him.
"I suppose I should" his eyes bore into hers, and his voice lacked the conviction it should have held.
Bly giggled and shoved him gently, "Go, now. No reason to cause Lithônien further aggravation"
"Right" he cleared his throat and stood as bit taller, "I'll...I'll be going then..."
She waved as he ran off, a brilliant smile spreading over her lips.
How wonderful it was to be in love with him.
How wonderful it was to be loved by him.

Greven {Part one and maybe only}

How many days have I been down here? Or, should I count the weeks instead? I wonder if Xander and the Elven Ambassador safely reached Voronwë, or did they head to the rebel base? I hope my message reached Beleg in time, I'd hate to see Xander under suspicion, though, look at me. I have a lot to talk about. They had better be taking care of Ciar, if I find so much as one scratch on her, I'm going to be put off...That is, if I ever get to see her again...

Such thoughts, swirling within his sub-conscience, filled his dreams, or was he awake? It was hard to tell, so dark was this cell. Were his eyes opened, or shut? 
Was he dreaming of dark shadows that danced around him, shadows with snarling teeth and wet noses, or was it real? 
He wouldn't discredit it's factually. 

Time passes strangely in dark, moldy cells deep under a castle. Sometimes, time passes slowly, and it feels as if he has been here for years. But other times, it seems that he was locked in these chains mere minutes ago. 
Nothing broke the monotone, nothing was changed. The jailer came once a day with bread and water, and left a single torch by the barred door. The light was just enough to see by, and it burned out in a few hours, and he was again left in the cold, shadows-with-teeth filled dark. 

He must've been dreaming this time, for the sound of the keys to the door of his cell rattling open awoke him. Curious, the jailer had already brought his food for the day, had Felix grown tired of feeding him and was bored for an execution? 
The door creaked open, slowly and jerkingly, it needed a good oiling, but who cared about the upkeep of the cells? 
"Brought you a pal, traitor. Someone to chat with, maybe ya know each other, huh?" The Jailer grinned, and three soldiers drug in a chain wrapped man. They took him to a wall, and chained his hands to two rings protruding from the wall. Greven had been glad that he hadn't been chained to the wrist rings, but he now pitied the poor man who was forced into them. He looked so weak he could hardly stand, and his clothes were torn and bloody welts crossed his body. 
Not a whips work...something more a dragon's claws. 
One of the soldiers cast him a pitying look, and Greven recognized the young man's face. One of his own men, one of the new enlists who had been practicing his archery the day Xander came out. 
The day everything had changed. 
The poor lad, he must be so young still, the two men he most admired, one defecting and at large, and the other one before him, chained and worn. 
"Quite your gaping, Joss" one of the other soldiers grabbed the boy's collar and shoved him out the door, and it locked again behind them. Thankfully, a new torch was left in the holder by the door, and it chased the strange shadows away. 
"Pleasure to meet your acquaintance, but, I'm sorry it was under these circumstances. The name is Greven" he nodded at the young man, and scaled him up. 
The fellow was a miniature giant, but wasn't bulky, more like a young tree. He wasn't scrawny; the dragon must've had it's own ailments in taking him captive. 
"And I'm Thalion Uaine, of Voronwë" the words were spoken firmly, though weakness hunted at the edge of his voice. 
Greven rubbed his ears, and chuckled, "I'm sorry, I've been here for so long, I must be hearing things, would you repeat what you just said?" 
The fellow nodded, "I am Thalion Uaine. Of Voronwë" 
So...he had heard right. But Voronwë? Another Elf captured? Had the attack began? Surely The Silver City hasn't fallen? Has the Elves joined arms with the Rebels? 
He voiced all these thoughts, and the Elf shook his head, "When I was taken, there was still discussion to enter this fight. I have no doubt that once, if, they discover my abduction they will enter the fight" The elf, Thalion, as he said his name was, paused, and breathed deeply. 
He wasn't in the best of health, his tunic was dyed red from wet blood, and his breathing was ragged. 
"Don't stress yourself, friend. Perhaps they will allow you to be unchained from the wall next time the Jailer makes his rounds" It was cruelty, keeping an injured man on his feet, but he couldn't remember Felix winning an award for kindness. 
"This, this cell...are most like this one?" Thalion spoke again, though it was in a weaker tone. 
If he isn't allowed to rest, he will die..... "yes. Some of the cells on the upper levels have windows, but aside from allowing faint light, they serve no aid or comfort. Prisoners aren't treated like guests in Voronwë" 
Thalion's hands clenched into fists and he glared at the ground, "would they keep a woman in such conditions?" 
"Are you thinking of the Elvish Ambassador?" 
Thalion looked amazed, and nodded once, "Bly, she....she is my sister" 
Greven took a moment to process this, this giant was the brother of that small, dainty thing? And what jinx had been placed on that family to warrant capture twice?
He decided to let his shock pass away unseen, "She too was kept in a cell much like this one. But only for a day or two. Xander, that foolish, big hearted idiot..." Greven felt a smile creep to his face, "Captain Bolivar was a dear friend of mine. In fact, I'm in this position because I gave aid to him and Lady Bly in their escape" 
Greven spent the next minute filling Thalion with the escape, and his part in it. The elf smiled faintly when he spoke of Bly pushing him off of Ciar. 
"Sh-she is a spunky thing, despite not knowing it herself" Thalion shook his head, and in turn told of Xander and Bly's arrival to Voronwe, and tears glistened in Greven's eyes as Thalion spoke of Ciar and her healing. 
"My pretty girl. That day we found them in the meadow, she looked up at me, and I felt so lost for her. Everything she was had been taken away. And Rudy, that little Colt was dying beside her. After we stopped his bleeding, and carried the two back, She nestled her head on my shoulder and I felt the closest thing to a Father that I have ever felt in that time. You probably think me silly, but that sweet and shamed black Unicorn has been my family for all these years. I am glad she is whole again. And Rudy too...he'll be a regular sky king now" 
Thalion shook his head, "no, no. I don't see you as foolish. And, may Yahweh grant it to happen, I pray you two shall again see each other. But...I have one more thing to tell you...your reference of King brought it to my mind...."


Was it night, or day? 
The Elf had fallen asleep soon after delivering his last news, his head hung like a dead men's. With the amount of blood puddled at his feet, he should be dead. Greven could only hope he was rescued in time. 
But sleep for himself was pushed far away with this new realization. 
Xander, king? King of Aragathia? The rumored escaped heir?
Greven had known Xander's father, or rather, knew of him. He was a harsh, prejudiced man; A man who disregarded any life of anything that wasn't human. How ironic that he himself would be a half breed without knowing it! 
And Xander was coming, coming to claim what was his...
For the first time since being cast in this dark hell hole, Greven could feel hope. 
Even if his life left him, Aragathia would be righted, and that was a comfort of its own. 
To see Xander sitted upon the throne that Felix now occupied, it would be a sight worth dying, and living, for. 

At some point, he must had drifted off to sleep, as he woke with a start to the metal barred door creaking open. 
"You are a lucky one, Greven" the jailor grinned as he unlocked the shackles around Greven's ankles, "the king has desired a meeting with you" 
of course, those who knew Felix would undoubtedly question whether he was lucky, or unlucky. 
As he was led out of the cell, Greven glanced towards the place where the Elf, Thalion, had been, and found it empty.  
he would have questioned whether the Elf had been there at all, was it not for the still crimson pool at blood on the floor. 
Where had they taken him? 
and how had they taken him? Greven was a light sleeper, the opening of the door and rustle of the wrist chains would have woken him.  
He puzzled these things while being led up to the upper prison level, where they stopped. 
His first thought, was of gladness that he wouldn't have to venture outside the darkness of the Dungeons.  it must have been close to a month that he had been down here, and while seeing the sky again was desirable, it was also a bit intimidating, as the sunlight would probably blind him, even if it were a cloudy day. 
But then, he realized, there was only one reason Felix would come to the dungeons, on this particular level, and that was for the torture chambers. 
"you certainly have a unique way of putting a torture session" Greven murmured while the guard unlocked the oak and steel door. 
Personally, he had never been inside the chambers, though he had heard plenty of horror stories, and if he were to say he wasn't a bit frightful over this whole development, he'd be lying. 
"The king has ever intention of coming to speak with you, traitor" The guard chained Greven to a contraption built to limit his movement while the torture master stood from a chair in the corner,  "but 'e asked me to break you in nice and good first, make you ya listen and comply like ya should" 
The master flexed, and lifted a long black bullwhip from the roughly fashioned table to his right, and grinned. 
"Not going to plead, are ya?" 
Greven's fists clenched in the metal shackles, "if I did, I doubt it would make any difference" 
"good" The Torture master unravelled the long bullwhip with a snap as it cracked against the dirt floor, "I like a sturdy person. weak, begging ladymen aren't any fun". 


"enough" Felix's voice rang above the pounding in Greven's ears, and he looked up as the whip fell short from striking out at his face again. 
the king stood in the doorway, and, Greven noted, looked older than the last time, a month ago, that he had seen him. 
"I think you have done well, Anders, leave" Felix commanded, and the Torture master bowed before leaving the king alone with the still chained prisoner. 
after the door shut, Felix clicked his tongue, "Really, Greven, is this necessary?" 
Greven blinked the blood out of his vision, only to feel a new wave of warm crimson pour over his left eye again. 
"you tell me, Felix. I wasn't the one who requested to be tortured" 
He could taste the blood in his mouth, and there was a deep cut across his mouth which was going to leave a nasty scar.
Despite his rather misfortune current predicament,  he couldn't help but think, a deep scar on his face wasn't going to make him anymore popular with the ladies.
The King smirked, but it was a sort of painful grin, as if just pulling his face into something even mildly presentable hurt, "Don't be tarty, Greven, it won't get you anything pleasant"
Greven resisted the urge to snap back something new sarcastic and shrug, but the look in the King's eyes, and the fact that the Torture master was standing right outside the door coupled with the fact that Greven really didn't want to add more scars and blood to his current fate than was already here, held him back.
So he mainly glared at Felix, letting his eyes say everything he willed his mouth to keep from saying.
Felix pulled up a chair from a corner, and settled himself in it, the contrast between the rickety wicker chair with the reed seat and the king, dressed in his robes of purple and silver velvet would have, perhaps, have been humorous.
If Greven hadn't ached from every core of his being.
"Greven, I gave you enough time to talk to the Elvish man quite long enough" Felix's tone of voice suddenly changed, instead of sounding harsh and ridiculing, he actually sounded like a Father having a gentle chat with a wayward son.
That trick wasn't about to fool Greven.
"Please, lets avoid anymore, disagreeable treatment, and, why don't you let me know about your conversation? You don't even have to tell me about battle plans, or anything that could endanger you rebel's futile plans" Felix leaned forward, the chair creaking, "I just have one thing I desire to know"
Greven's eyebrows rose, what sort of information could he possible have that was of more importance than that of battle plans?
"Tell me, Greven, tell me, and I will see to it that this sort of punishment isn't repeated, and, I'm feeling generous, I'll even give you a cell on higher ground" he shrugged, "I hope you understand that I can't just let you go"
"Of course, that would be foolishness" Greven snapped, his tone icy, and Felix smiled that same half pained grin, "You always have a witty tongue, Greven"
The king stood, but paced for only a few seconds before sitting down again, he was agitated. But about what?
"Greven, I understand that the ex Captian Bolivar was close to you, and, recently, he and that ambassador, headed towards Voronwe, if the reports we received are indeed correct" Felix's feet shuffled, what in all of incantevole could have him so flustered by Xander going to Voronwe?
And Greven knew all of this from his talk with Thalion...his mind raced to try and figure out where Felix was going with this conversation before Felix reached it, so he could stay a step ahead.
"Undoubtedly, the elves know of the identity of the heir of Adan, my nephew or great nephew, just as Xander probably knows.  I cannot help but skip to the philosophy, that you, a close Friend of Xander, a man who was welcomed into Voronwe without any problems, would be told the identity as well, if you had a conversation with an Elf..."
Felix again stood, and Greven's eyes widened, Felix didn't know of who Xander was? Was that possible?
"Which, you did have...the male elf we had captured" Felix stepped nearer Greven, so the man in chains and the older man who wore a crown that didn't belong to him where face to face.
"Greven. Who is the Heir of Adan? that is the only thing I ask"
The room was filled with silence as Greven and Felix faced each other in a fierce stare down.
The sound of a rat scurrying somewhere, water dripping, even the wind howling outside the small rectangular window outside.
Greven's face slowly broke into a smile, the cut on his mouth paining him all the more.
"The identity of the true king? that's what you desire to know so badly?"
Felix's eyes were almost wild.
he feared Xander, even if he didn't know who he was.
He feared the Grandson of Adan, who was coming, surely coming, to claim what had been denied him.
Felix gripped the chains holding Greven's wrist cuffs, and jerked them roughly, "You know, tell me, Greven. If you know what is good for you, than you tell me"
Greven cleared his throat, "I used to tell my pupils, Felix" he didn't disguise the fact that he called the King by his first name only, but emphasized it. "That an answer to a question long desired told outright is only for idiots, and since you are surely no idiot" he was going to get punished for his lack of discretion. "Why don't I give you a riddle?" he smiled pleasantly, but Felix growled and jerked the chains roughly, "don't fool with me, Greven"
Greven merely cleared his throat, "The man for whom you search is also the man for whom you search, the quarry and the prey are one of the same.  The man who was is also the man who will be"  He tilted his head, "simple enough for you? I try not to make my riddles puzzling for those with..." his words caught in his throat as Felix slammed a cold poker against his ribs.
The King shouted as Greven continued to hold a plaster smile to his face, and the Torture master reentered.
Even as the poker pressed against his skin, this time heated in the low burning coals, and Felix ordered for the torture master to leave him barely alive, he had the realization that driving Felix nearly insane with madness was the second best thing he had ever done in his life.  The first, the first thing he was proud of doing, was aiding Xander out of Aragathia.
Helping the king escape.
As he slipped into the darkness where there was no pain, he had one hope.
And that was, that Xander hurry up and free him, because he really was going to need treatment for these burn and whip marks.
and of course, Aragathia was depending on him.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Kaymele part 11/ Nithron (part 1 of maybe 2)


    As soon as she ran I felt worse than I'ld ever felt before.  I never intended to say anything hurtful, it just slipped out and there's no excuse for it.  Just as I reached the door, she slammed it in my face.  I was now angry at myself and at Nuvole, he was the one who tipped me off about her being a princess.
    I punch the wall outside the door, and sink to the ground.  I truly thought she was finished hiding, but I guess figuring her out is going to take longer than I thought.
   Pulling myself together, I leave to find Nuvole.  I need to know why he told me about her and where he got his information.   He must not be inside, Kaymele would've thrown him out by now.  He must be visiting Nairi, and telling her all he knows, and if it's anything to make her so protective of herself then it must be something more important then that she's a princess.  I round the corner and nearly run smack into Nairi.
    'HEY, watch where you're going!' she shouts.
    'Sorry, I didn't expect to run into you.  Aren't you suppose to be in bed.  You're still not well, and Anakis will be very worried when she finds you've gone,'
    'I'll worry about that later, I'm looking for Nuvole.  I just have to find him,' she exclaims.
    'Well it just so happens that I'm looking for him too.  Do you mind if I help you search?' I ask.
    'Would you?' she asks.  I nod, 'Oh thank you.  If you'll look in the camp, I'll check around Beleg's tent, the main infirmary, and the kitchen.'
    At that we go and search for Nuvole.  I search all throughout the camp, checking around each and every tent.  The well was next and there was no one even near it.
    After about three hours of searching around the camp, I search for Nairi to see if she found anything. It doesn't take me long to find her, as she has returned to the infirmary to rest.  I walk through the door, and she greets me with a smile.  Adonis is, as usual, right beside her and greets me with a glare.
    'Nairi have you found Nuvole?  I searched all over, but had no luck,' I murmur breathily.
    'I found him in the kitchen, but he left to talk to Beleg.  After that I don't know where he'll be, but he'll probably come by and visit me at some point,'
    'Thanks Nairi, I have to talk to him,' I say.
    I swiftly walk to Beleg's tent, only to find it deserted.  Beleg and Nuvole aren't in the tent or around it.  As I circle around it for the second time, Beleg comes walking up with his hands filled with weapons.  Just before he drops one I catch it, and take a few more to lighten the load.
    'Thank you Nithron, I was worried I wouldn't make it,' he says wiping the sweat off his brow.
    'No problem.  Has Nuvole been here?' I ask.
    'Oh yes, he's been here telling me all he knows about Aragathia, even some about how we can get inside and out without being spotted,'
    'Do you know where he is?'
    'The last time I saw him, he was headed towards the infirmary,'
    'Thanks, I need to talk to him,' I say as I walk back to the infirmary.  As it gets closer I notice that the door to Nairi's room is open.  I poke my head inside, and find Nairi back in bed.  Adonis is by her side fiddling with a ball.  I step further in and I hear a low growl from Adonis, and wonder what he's upset about.  I walk around to the other side of the room and kneel at the bedside.
    'I haven't found Nuvole anywhere, but I was wondering if...' I start, but then a tall figure cast a shadow over me, and as I stand and turn to face whom it belongs to.  Though I've already guessed who it is, it's Nuvole.

~Earlier that day~
    With a heavy heart and angry tears I slowly pack a small bag.  Just enough to get me there and never return.  There's a soft knock at the door, and Nuvole comes in.  I don't even turn to greet him, I spin around and throw and ball of water at him, but before it reaches his face he turns it into ice and shatters on the floor.  Whipping my head around again I melt the water and reform the ball, but instead of cold I made it boiling hot.  Instead of his face this time I aimed for his feet, and just like before his froze it solid.
    'You'll never get me with water,' he whispered with a small chuckle.
    'You had no right!'
    'I had every right, look, I didn't know Nithron was out of the picture of your family tree, but come on it's not that bad is it?'
    'Oh, no.  It's not bad at all, not bad until you get to the part where I'm going back to my people to possibly be executed, not to mention that Nithron wishes that he'd never met or rescued me,' I pause to catch my breath, 'I just can't take it anymore!'
    'I thought you were innocent of all your crimes?'
    'I am, but nothing I can say, or do will ever change the minds of my people.  My only wish was to keep my family safe, but even that I could not regain control over.'
    'Yes, your sister, but who in all Incantivole is this Rinion?' he asks.
    Once again he has been reading through my journal.
    'He...He was my betrothed, but he died before we were married,'
    'He just died?'
    'No, he was killed, by pirates who were selling weapons to the trolls, ogres, and goblins.  They killed him because he had found them out, and stopped them.  And that day still haunts my nightmares along with my sister,' I say trembling.
    For a while we just stand there thinking, and trying to take in everything that's been said.  Nuvole rubs his eyes and sits on the little stool beside the door.  I sit on the bed clutching the bag I was packing.
    'So, you're really leaving?' he asks timidly.
    'It seems as though I'm really not wanted around here, I stayed because I wanted to fight, and I couldn't return to my people without guaranteeing my death.  Nithron saved me from my people, and I would do anything for him,'
    'Accept tell him who you really are?' interjects Nuvole.
    'I would have told him in due time, but the moment never presented itself and I didn't want to be treated different.  How could you possibly understand? If he would have known things would have been, well, awkward between us and I never would have gotten to know him like I do now,' there's a pause as I watch Nuvole's face for any expression, but none is forthcoming, 'I don't blame him for being angry, but the implication that there was something going on between us, was almost insulting.'
    'Is that what he said!?' he exclaims as he rubs the back of his neck, and his face reddens with blush.
    'Oh, um, yes... h..he did say that,' I stutter, as I feel my own cheeks becoming hotter by the second, 'but I assured him that there was nothing between us.  It doesn't matter, I'm leaving.'
    'Well, if you're sure.  You've saved my life and took care of Nairi, and for that I thank you with as much gratitude as I have.  You are the bravest, kindest, and the most wonderful person I've had the pleasure of knowing.  I'm just sorry to see our friendship end this way,' he says sorrowfully.
    'Thank you, Nuvole.  I'm sorry it had to end this way too,' we embrace, and he leaves.


    I cautiously rise to my feet, and come almost eye to eye with him, he being the shorter.  His countenance was of a man looking for answers, and possibly a fight.  I'm sure I was the same, and so there we stand.
    'Can I talk to you outside?' he urges.
    'It depends on the topic,' I say half jokingly.
    'About one whom shall remain nameless here, but means great deal to both of us.  Now can I please talk to you outside?'
    I walk towards the door, and let him pass through first.  His long strides taking him no time at all to get him outside.
    'Do you want me to come with you?' says Adonis placing a hand on my shoulder.
    'No, thanks for the offer, but I'd better handle this alone,' I say starting out the door.
    'Alright, but don't hesitate to call if you're in need of help,'
    I nod my head, but my thoughts are elsewhere.  I follow Nuvole across the grassy plain to a broken down, stone building.  The gate stood open and we both entered.  Nuvole started pacing as if trying to find a good way to broach the topic he wanted to discuss.
    'Why don't you just ask me about Kaymele?' I ask curtly.
    'Not to be rude, but you should be asking me about her.  Because apparently you don't know much about her,' he pauses slightly and crosses his arms, 'You didn't know her when you took her from her people, or why you were rescuing her in the first place.  And you didn't know her well enough to know we never had a relationship past friendship, and you still don't know her now.' 
    I cross my arms and lean against the wall.  The sad truth was that I didn't know her as well as I had imagined, and I may never as long as I live.  Nuvole patiently waits for me to contemplate everything he's said.
    'Well Nithron, are you sure you want to know her?' says Nuvole.
    'I suppose now I have no choice,'
    'Ah, but you do.  Though it seems to me, that a man that goes to such great lengths to find out about a fair lady, is quite infatuated with her,' he says discreetly, 'Why do you need to know so much about her, and her life.  Could you possibly be in love with her?'
    This question alarms me, because I've never thought myself saying those words aloud.  I recount my actions of the morning.  All morning I have searched for the man who seems to know everything about Kaymele, and once I've found him I question the need for information about her.
    'Nuvole, I think you may have struck a good question, and this is all quite confusing.  But I think I am in love with her.  Though is it possible to love someone I don't truly know?' I ask.
    A smile spreads across his face, and his answer is simple.  'I believe so.  I can tell you what I know and only that much.  That way you won't be in the dark for too long.'
    'Many thanks friend,'
    'Do not thank me yet, for the tale I have to tell is terrible indeed,' he says.


    I turn and take one last look at the room, and pick up my pack, and my bow and arrows.  This room may be one of the last things I see that brings back good memories.  'I will have to get Florentide to stay and fight, even if she follows me back I won't let her stick around and be killed.  She is needed here, and now that Adonis is back, she has an interpreter, and I'm sure Nithron can talk to her as well.'  This all runs through my head as I quietly close the door.  Naneth always used to say that when a door is closed, in time another will open.  I just wish the door I closed would reopen, because as hard as I try I cannot deny the fact that I have a deeper feeling for Nithron than just friendship.  I feel the same way I used to feel about Rinion.
    As I turn the corner of the building Florentide glides down obviously sensing my thoughts.  I try to hide in the shadows of the building, but it's no use, she's already seen me.
    'And where are you going?' she asks.
    'Back home, to face whatever fate I must.  Nithron and I had a fight, and he said he wished he had never rescued me.  So I will return, and most likely never come back.'
    'I will go with you,'
    'No, you must stay and help fight.  I know how much you don't like Adonis, but you must use him to comunicate.'
    'I am not under your control, and I will go or stay as I please.' she quips.
    'But if you go back and I'm killed the next one to be dead will be you, and I can't ask you to sacrifice yourself for me.' she huffs and paws the ground, 'No, you don't you are a very wise and noble companion, you have stayed with me all my life.  But I beg of you, do not throw away your life because of me.' I say, tears starting to weld up in my eyes.  I run up and hug her scaly fore-leg.  'You're too wonderful to loose, I will never forget you,'
    'And I will never forget you Kaymele, be safe in there, it's quite dangerous.' she says leaning her head down to my level, 'Here take this,' she pulls off a scale and it falls into my hands, 'If you have this, I will always be able to find you, if you don't go back home that is.'
    'Thank you.' I say gently placing it in the pack, 'goodbye, Florentide.'
    She bows her head, and I step into the forest.  Trekking through the forest looked easy, but with the traps and the ever changing trees make it an exceptional hardship.  After a while I felt myself going uphill, and I can feel the trees are watching my every step.  One of them lifted a root and cause me to fall flat on my face, and I hear them sway with laughter.  I stop briefly to eat some bread and cheese, then start off again.  
    As I start to descend the hill I trip on another root and roll down the hill right into a slightly marshy area.  I lie there, a bit dizzy, and stare up at the sky.  Slowly I sit up and try to see how far off course I've fallen, gingerly I lift my arm and there's a scratch from my wrist to my elbo, and a small trickle of blood starts to flow when I feel a sharp pain across my foot.  When I look down at it, nothing appears close enough to have scratched it.  I rise warily, and pull out my bow and load it, looking all around to find whatever seems to be attacking me.  More shots of pain to my legs first from the right then from the left.  My legs are bleeding profusely now, and still I don't see anything.
    Just then I feel the sharp jabs start attacking my back and arms.  Before I could shoot an arrow, my arms were wrapped in vines, the bow falls to the ground, I feel them wrapping around my legs and waist.  Terrified, I let out a scream before one had wrapped itself around my neck and squeezed it silent.  Still they moved so quickly that I still couldn't see them slashing with their sharp ends.  Digging deeper into my flesh, I was starting to black out from lack of blood and air, but before I totally blacked I spot a figure running down the hill with a drawn sword.  I try to call for help, but the vine tightened it's grip, and I saw no more.


    'I just can't believe she could ever have done that,' I say.
    'It's the truth, I was the best spy in the kingdom.  Nothing got past me,' he boasts.
    We walk outside and towards Kaymele's room.  The door is still closed, but she may still be inside.  The windows have the curtains drawn, and there is no light behind them to suggest people inside.
    'Do you think she's left yet?'
    'She was still packing when I talked to her,' says Nuvole.
    'Won't hurt to check.  I must apologies to her and you for everything I said, I was jealous, and...' 
    'I understand, there's no need to explain,'
    After several knocks on the door, I try the knob.  Shockingly it's unlocked, and swings open easily.  I start to worry. 'Could she have already gone?  Oh Kaymele where are you?'
    'Lets ask Florentide, hopefully she's still here,' I say rushing out the door.
    No sooner had I spoke when Florentide came flying in. 'Are you looking for Kaymele?' she asks.
    The sensation of another inside ones own mind is slightly alarming, 'Yes, do you know where she's gone?'
    'Into the Tawarthion, she left about half an hour ago,' she says warily.
    'Thank you, you have been most helpful,'
    'Why did you need to know?  You broke her heart, and she's had that happen more times than most people would ever have in a immortal lifetime,'
    'Because, I intend to mend her heart.  Do you not see Florentide, I'm in love with her,' I exclaim.
    She gives a little huff, 'She went that way, follow her I sense she's in grave danger.'
    'I will,' I turn to Nuvole, 'I am going after her.'
    'You'll be killed, I'm coming with you,'
    'I've lived here for ten years, and all that time I studied the Tawarthion.  I know all it's traps and tricks, and you're not fully recovered.  Just stay here, I can't guaranty your safety,' I replied.
    'Be careful, those woods are treacherous,'
    'I will friend,' and with that I run the direction Florentide said Kaymele left.
    After several miles of trekking I find the remains of a fire and some bread crumbs.  Just then I hear a scream, and only one person I know could scream like that.  The sound came from over the hill. I pick up my pace and run as fast as I dare to the top of the hill.  As I begin the descent, I here a rustling at the bottom, and the first thing that I can think of that makes that sound is Slasher Vines.
    These vines attack at the slightest smell of blood, and live in marshy places where the going is rough.  They slash your flesh with their very sharp ends which are poisoned.  The strange thing is the tips of these vines have very little amounts of poison, so they first try to bleed the victim to death and slowly poison them at the end.
    As I reach a certain point on the hill I see the long red hair and the tan skin, then I know it's Kaymele.  I draw my sword and run the rest of the way down the hill.
    'BACK! Back you vile creature!' I shout.  Lifting my sword I cut through several vines.  They release her body, letting it fall to the ground with a thunderous crash.  They turn their attack to me with squeals and rustling noises. I wave my sword wildly, missing more times than hitting.   The vines dart in and out faster and faster, slashing across my skin.  Looking everywhere for the source I trip several times and the vines grab my ankles and pull me back slashing faster than before.  Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye I see a  clump of vines off to the left of me.  I cut the vines holding my ankles and run towards it raising my sword high.  I bring it down on the tangle again and again, until the vines recede back into the forest with cries of pain and loud rustling.
    Picking myself up I turn to see Kaymele's blood covered body lying limp on the ground.  I hurry as fast as I can over to her, but the pain in my ankle tells me, I sprained it.  Carefully I kneel beside her, and gently brush back her hair, to see her beautiful face, and lift her into my arms.
    'Oh Kaymele, what have I done,' I gently kiss her forehead, and begin the long trek back to Revelin.
    In the few cuts I received I could feel the poison racing through my veins, and I could only guess that time was running out for Kaymele.  Her face was getting paler by the minute as we journeyed back.
    An hour later, we finally reach the edge of Revelin, the sky is going dark and the stars are starting to come out.  Florentide and Nuvole are waiting about thirty yards away, and they run towards us.  
    'What happened?' he exclaims.
    'Slasher Vines, quick I must get her to Anakis.  Go, run ahead and get help,'


    I fade in and out of unconsciousness, though every time I come back into consciousness a wave of pain surges through me.  Only occasionally do I feel the jostling of the man who's carrying me.  I still don't know who it is, just that his presence is familiar and comforting. 
    'How long has she been like this?' I faintly hear Anakis say.
    'About an hour, she was attacked by Slasher Vines,' says Nithron.
    'Alright, tell me about the vines.  What do they do?'
    'Well, with every slash they inflict, a small amount of poison is injected, But they only attack when they smell blood.  I couldn't find anything at the time, and the cuts were too numerous.  But then you showed me that cut on her arm,' Nithron says.
    All these voices seem to swirl inside my head.  Suddenly I feel a tremendous drawing out feeling all over my body, and a ripping in my side where something sharp had lodged itself.  After all this, I feel myself go totally numb, I wonder if I will even be able to open my eyes.
    When I do manage to open my eyes, the first thing I do is lean over the bed and retch the bit of food I had left in me.  Everything looks so blurry and filmy, and a man walks up and gently wipes my face with a dry cloth.  Slowly the world starts to come into focus, and it's Nithron, wiping my mouth with one hand and stroking my hair with the other.  His blue eyes focusing intently into my brown ones, and a small smile forms on his lips.  
    'You're finally awake.  I thought we had lost you,' 
    'What happened?' I whisper.
    'You were attacked by Slasher Vines, and were nearly killed, but not to worry Anakis healed you...' he says, but he looks as if he wants to say more but is held back.
    'But, how did I get away?  All I can remember is a figure running towards me with a drawn sword,' I  say.
    'That was me,' he says quietly.
    'You?  But why would you do that?  You said...' I start, but he puts a finger to my lips.
    'I was wrong, so very wrong.  Kaymele, I only said those things because I thought that I was loosing you to Nuvole, because... I... umm,'
    'The truth is, that I never want you to leave ever.  I'll always keep you safe, and I'ld kill anyone who would hurt you,' he rambles.
    'Nithron, what are you saying?' I ask.
    'I think I'm in love with you,'
    There is silence between us, as we stare at each other.  His eyes filled with truth, and love.  I try to stop the tears of joy from spilling over my cheeks but it's useless.
    'Kaymele, have I said something wrong?  What's the matter?' he asks.
    'Nothing's wrong, but for the last few weeks I have also fallen in love with you,'
    The biggest smile crosses his face and I'm sure the same is on mine.  We would have embraced each other, but the cot and my wounds prevented it.  Instead Nithron gently kisses my forehead and continues to stroke my hair.  Slowly I raise my hand and gently touch his cheek, and he takes it in both his hands and caresses it.  Both of us oblivious of the danger soon to befall us both.