Monday, October 29, 2012

Bly {part 5}

"Have a safe journey, ambassador!" The small, wrinkled old dwarven woman waved as Bly left with the small food pack that had been set aside for their journey. Bly waved back, and smiled at the food keeper.
She continued to where Adonis and Xander were discussing which route to take, or, arguing, rather.
"We should go straight, as a bird flies" Adonis pounded his fist unto his open palm for emphasis "it's the fastest route"
"Perhaps, but it will carry us through Fort Hallows, and risking that isn't worth the speed" Xander was trying to keep his calm, but it was clear he was losing it.
"If we go through it at night-"
"Adonis! Are you an idiot?! Night or day, they will have sentries posted, and I'm not exactly a forgettable face"
Adonis crossed his arms, "Wear a mask"
Xander sighed dramatically, "ah yes. That solves simply everything. Thank you, Oh wise Dragon one. The sentries will just let a two men, one mysteriously masked, and an Elven woman pass into and through their city with no suspicions"
Bly stifled a smile, "Adonis, I understand you want to get there in a hurry, I do too. Nairi's health hangs in the balance, Xander realizes that, but passing through Hallows isn't a wise idea. Skirting it will only add a few hours, nothing serious, please understand" she rested her hand on his shoulder, "We are going to do our best to get there quickly".
Adonis sighed, "A few hours may make the difference for Nairi" he shrugged Bly's hand off, and walked away, kicking at stones as he went.
As soon as he was out of earshot, Xander gasped and ran his fingers through his dark hair, "I've never met one as stubborn as he, I'm used to being obeyed, not argued with".
Bly chuckled, and set her food basket down, "Then I suggest you learn to argue; Dragons aren't know for their great submission. Even Felix can't control them all, you know that. Though, I wonder how he controls them at all..."
Xander peeped into the basket, "He doesn't, Andromeda does".
Confusion settled across Bly's face, "Andromeda?"
Xander looked up, "yes, surely you sw her when you and Tenzin held conference with Felix. Dark hair, Violet eyes, milky skin, smells like Dying roses-"
"How would you know that?"
Now Xander was the confused one, "know what?"
"The dying rose part"
"Oh" he smiled, and his eyes teased, though he didn't say the word, she knew he was thinking It. "Well, I've walked past Andromeda enough times to get an idea of how she smells"
Bly nodded, "I just wondered"
Again, the teasing in his eyes, and she looked away, suddenly needing to rearrange all the food.
"I think I did see her, Behind Felix. But she just sat in a dark corner, watching us, I ignored her, as she made me uncomfortable"
Xander chuckled, "She has the uncanny habit of doing that"
Bly frowned, "But something is wrong with her"
"Something? I dare say a great many things are" Xander shouldered a pack,"She is great many years younger then Felix, yet loves him" then he reddened, "not that, that's wrong...but them both being human, I mean, between races it's to be, you know, uh, expected, b-but, in the same race..."
Bly refrained from laughing as he stumbled over his words, "of course, between races it's to be expected".
Xander nodded quickly, and picked up the second pack, "I think I'll just, uh, put these away" he hurried away.
Bly smiled as he strode off, still crimson from his remark.
But her smile was slowly eaten away by a frown, Xander believed Andromeda was a human, and yet, she clearly wasn't. But that was where Bly was lost. She had no idea what the woman was. She bit her lip, she needed to find Kaymele, and talk it over with her.... 

Kaymele was stitching up a torn britches when Bly found her. "Have they put you to work?" Bly asked, sitting beside her. Kaymele frowned, and dumped another garment on Bly's lap, "mind helping? This isn't at all to my liking" 
Bly nodded, and quickly threaded a needle, "I learned to do this quite well, my brother Thalion was always ripping his clothes whenever he went 'exploring'. I had to mend them before Mother, or worse yet, Lithônien, found out" 
"You have two brothers?" Kaymele asked, stabbing herself with a needle and wincing. 
Bly nodded, "Thalion and Lithônien, both older then I"
Kaymele smiled sadly, "siblings, are..." She sighed and trailed off, her eyes saddened, and for a moment, her confident exterior cracked, showing a very grieved heart. and then she looked up quickly, "I'm sorry, did you come for a reason?" Her normal brisk self back. 
"Oh yes, it's probably nothing, but, you being older, and perhaps more experienced, I thought to come to you" 
Kaymele nodded, "and?"
"Have you heard of Andromeda, the King's...." Bly couldn't find a word, Xander had made her sound important, and she loved Felix apparently, but just where Andromeda fit, Bly didn't know. 
"The King's assistant, helper, lover, friend?" Kaymele asked. 
"Y-yes, you have heard of her?"
"Nithron had told me of her"
Bly nodded, "has he seen her?"
Kaymele stuck herself again and made an aggravated noise, "No, but he has heard about her from the spies inside Aragathia. She is apparently Felix's right hand. Why do you ask?" 
Bly sighed, "I was hoping I could learn what she was". 
Kaymele raised an eyebrow, "can't you do that? Her aurora colors, I know you can see them" 
Bly shook her head, "no, I mean, yes. I can. But hers were...confusing" 
Kaymele set the garment down, and leaned closer, "Explain". 
Bly cleared her throat, "It was black. But occasionally I'd see flickers in it, like flames. But, it was also white" 
Kaymele shook her head, "impossible" 
"But it was! She had two colors, both very different. And, she was ancient" 
Kaymele frowned, "how could you tell?" 
Bly looked down, "I don't know. I just knew. But, her body wasn't" 
Kaymele's eyes grew round, "that adds an interesting twist" 
Bly looked confused, "it does?" 
Kaymele nodded slowly, "the black with flames, the ancient soul, new body, the two colors, yes. It reminds me of something I heard a long time ago..."
Kaymele was silent for a long while, before she apparently remembered Bly's presence. "Go, it's getting later in the day, and you must surely have a lot of work, don't let it worry you"
Bly smiled, "I hope you unpuzzle what she is, and, if you fashion a finger cap from leather, you won't prick your finger so" she winked, and waltzed out. Leaving Kaymele to her sewing

The sun was barely rubbing its eyes on the horizon when they set off. Bly on Ciar, Xander on Rudy, Adonis on a borrowed steed, and a pack mule tethered to Rudy's saddle.
Adonis was still disgruntled by having to go around Fort Hallows, and wasn't speaking to either of his traveling companions. Instead, urging his horse forward at an unfair speed.
The first part of the day passed silently as not much conversation was warranted as they hurried along.
Finally, they stopped to rest their animals.
"What can we expect when we get to Voronwë?" Xander caught the apple Bly tossed him, and polished against his tunic. At Nithron's suggestion, he had changed from his Aragathian uniform before they left, opting instead for a garb of browns and greens.
"We can except more pointy eared people" Adonis called from where he was sitting. Not facing either of them, but clearly listening to their conversation.
"That, and one of the most beautiful cities you've ever seen" Bly replied, politely handing him an apple too, instead of tossing it at his red head as she desired to do.
"I'm sorry, but my knowledge of cities is rather limited to Aragathia, Revelin, Voronwë, and Drago Montagna" Adonis took a rather large bite from the apple and scooted to the opposite side of the tree.
"Anyway, pointy ears and beautiful cities aside, what can we expect?" Xander leaned against another tree.
Bly sat down on a log, after carefully dusting away the collection of leaves and dirt on it. "I imagine my people don't even know of my capture, so there won't be a great throng of attention. And I'll have to inform them of Tenzin's death"
"Will that cause great grief?"
Bly met his eyes, "we live for great expanses of time, but that doesn't numb the pain of when one of us does. Those closest to Tenzin will go into a very long mourning period, but everyone else will extend their sympathies, and speak kind words to the mourning"
Xander nodded, "and what about you?" She noticed his aurora colors wavering, 'he is worried, why?'.
"I may not have the luxury of a extended mourning period" as soon as she said it, his colors returned to normal. Causing her even more confusion.
Adonis reappeared from behind his tree, "so, how long does it take horses to rest anyway?"

Its short, but I think I got enough done in it to keep us going for awhile. ;) Sarah, your turn! Kathrine, I hope you don't mind how I portrayed Adonis. And...we need to involve Anna's peeps more. 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Natia (Part 3)

   As everyone became busy about Nairi, I ran of a ways behind the tents.   I was scared, for I was about to fill myself with Deus again, for the second time in a row.   I needed to go away and sanctify myself before all of this.   The last speech I did not take the time, and ended up with a massive headache and terrible nightmares that could only be cured with a foul-smelling herb.
   I tiptoed behind a tent, the girls' and mine.   I began to kneel, when I heard sniffles from the tent next to me. It was Prid, crying behind the boys' tent.   I watched him from the corner of my tent.   I sat there for about 10 minutes when Anakis came and sat beside Prid.   I listened in from my corner.
   "Your uncle, Prid?" asked Anakis.
    "Yes, fair maiden, um, fairy," said Prid.   "I am sorry that you have to see me in this state."   At this, Prid started on a fresh burst of tears.
   "There, there," said Anakis.   "There, there."
   All of the sudden Prid pulled away from Anakis.   "Wait, Anakis!   You could heal him!   You could bring him back to life!"
   She can't do that!   I thought.   It's against our laws!   Not only ours, Deus's too!
   "I, well, um, Prid," said Anakis.   "I can't."
   Prid stood up.   "What do you mean, you can't?" he asked.
   "It is against Deus's laws, and Fairy laws, to do so.   If I do, Prid, I shall be struck dead by a bolt of lightning by Deus himself!"   Anakis trembled at those horrid words.
   Prid sat again, obviously upset by this news.   But he wiped the tears from his eyes and said, "I must not cry, for I am to be in the rebel army.   What would they think of me if I did this?"   And with that he grabbed on to Anakis and wept.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Kaymele (part 7)

    Bly is cleaning the room while I sleep.  She is trying to keep busy, but nothing seems to calm her nerves.  Xander left over an hour ago to get bandages on his cuts and burns.  Bly was left alone to herself, she started to wet a cloth for me but remembered; unless she wanted to attend a mermaid, water should never touch my skin.  Her new dress is light green, and cream white.  The sleeves are shortened but the waist is loosely tied with a piece of rope.  The hours drag on until she herself falls asleep.  
    I wake to the sound of heavy boots coming towards our room.  I sit up with a start, and wait for the door to open.  The boots are still coming but the door doesn't open, I realize that a solder is pacing in front of the door.  After a moment Bly wakes with the same start, and we both investigate.  The door is locked from the outside and the key nowhere to be seen.  Bly peeks through the key hole but only sees the guard outside.
    'Hey,' I yell, 'let us out!'
    The boots stop for a moment then continue marching.  Bly and I look at each other then bang on the door harder and harder.
    'Stop banging on the door.  You're to be kept here until the orders from Beleg say otherwise,' says the guard.
    We back away.  'Why would Beleg order myself and Bly to be held here.  Unless...'.  I return to my bed and sit, Bly follows.  I stare at the door pondering what to do now.  Trapped and worried is not my favorite feeling.
    'Bly, do you realize that they're keeping us here because of something they don't want us finding out about?' I ask quietly.
    'You thought of it too,' she answers, 'question is how do we find out?'
    'I don't know Bly.  I just don't know...' I say in despair, 'nothing can get through that door.'
    'What if you sang again?' says Bly, 'if it worked on me, what else can it work on?'
    'It's worth a try,' I say standing up.
    I walk up to the door.  Still scared of what might happen if this doesn't work.  I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and try to remember the words to the song my mother taught to me when I was younger.
    'Bly cover your ears,' I say, then sang, 'Oore panta ent nienaite, i annon.  Selma nal hediminna i marde,'
    The doors quake and the guard stops in front of the door.  I sing it again, and again until I reach the highest note at the end.  The door explodes off the hinges and knocks the guard out.  Bly uncovers her ears and we both stare at the destroyed door.
    'You did it...' Bly whispers.
    We step over the debris, and pull the guard out from under the door into the room.  My mind is completely focused on finding Nithron.  I want to run, but I'm not going to leave Bly behind because of my haste.
    'Do you want to find Xander,' I ask.
    'No, I know Xander just went for bandages so I'll just walk over to find Linki, she's working with bandages,' she answers.
    'We'll meet back here in 2 hours, no later.  If they find us and lock us up again we will signal each other by telepathy,' I say, 'can you use telepathy?'
    'A little,' she says sheepishly, 'I was never very good, and only just learning I can say two or three words at the most.'
    'Ok it's at least something,' I say.
    As we part I feel a change.  It's dark and evil, and I wonder if Bly feels it too.  The terrible feeling doesn't last though, soon there is a totally new sensation. The smell of rotten vomit, blood, and waste fill my nose as I turn the first corner.  I can't hold my breath for much longer, and my eyes are starting to water at the foul, putrid smell.  When my lungs feel as though they were going to burst I round the corner that leads to Nithron's room. I stop and stare when I see Nithron standing outside his room leaning against the door frame.  I can see his shirt is torn all the way down the front.  The linens wrapping around his waist are not as bloody as I remember.
    'Nithron!' I cry out.
    I run to him, but he see me coming and meets me halfway.  He embraces me in his warm arms encircling my waist.  Though his face and chest are covered with soot and sweat, I don't care.  The tears pour down my face as I bury my head into his chest.  He presses his lips to my forehead, and for a moment I feel cherished.  He lifts my chin so I can see into his blue eyes, and I notice for the first time that he's in pain.  We walk together back to his room, I can't let go of him fearing if I do he'll slip away from me entirely.  I wash his face with Anakis's help.  Anakis wets the cloth and I use my powers to lift the cloth to his face.  He winces when his cuts are washed, but slowly he begins to look like himself again.  Soon Anakis leaves to find Natia and ask her about some herbs for a new ointment.
    I think of Bly and telepathically call to her, but she doesn't answer.  'She must be having trouble contacting me.  I guess she's trying to reach me.  I'll hear something soon.' I think.
    'What happened after you were taken out of the room Kaymele?' asks Nithron.
    I blush, thinking back to that afternoon when I was screaming outside the door, and hissing at the passing people.  I sit beside him and lean my head on his shoulder.
    'After you were taken away I was thrown out, and...' I blushed, 'was dropped at the door pounding, and screaming, until Bly came and took me back to her room. They told me that I was at the door for about 5 hours screaming your name.'
    Everything is silent for a while, then he stands in front of me, takes my hands, and looks straight into my eyes.
    'I rescued you from your people, guided you through the Tawarthion Forest, and protected you from the Otrov.  Kaymele, nothing in all Incantevole will ever separate me from you,' he said.
     I look down at his hands grasping mine, and realize what I thought impossible.  I am no longer abandoned, alone, or scared but protected by Nithron and I have Ainatar to believe in.  His arms embrace me again and I never want to leave them.
    As I look over his shoulder I saw Bly rushing past, and following close behind is Xander.  We call out to them and they both rush in panting heavily.  Bly looks as if she's been crying, and looking closely at Xander's shirt I can tell he was with her.  
    'Oh Kaymele, I couldn't reach you no matter how hard I tried,' Bly panted. 
    'Never mind that now it's only been a few minutes after the 2 hours,' I turned to face Xander,  'Xander did you tell Beleg to lock us in Bly's room?  We tried to leave but the guard wouldn't let us,' I say.
    'No when I left I went straight to Linki for bandages.  How did you get out if the guard didn't let you pass?' Xander asks.
    'Tedious to tell and harsh to hear, but never mind that now.  I can see that you have important news to tell Beleg,'  I pause, and they turn to leave 'beware Xander and Bly, a man from your past shall once again weave himself back into your lives.'
    My words cause them to stop and turn back.  I feel my face turn grey with terror, and realize that I just spoke of the future.  I wanted so badly to read their minds but restrained myself, but the future escaped me before I could stop myself.  Xander steps forward and searches my eyes for any form of jest, but steps back instead.
    'Who is this man you speak of?' he asks.
    'I can't say.  I've broke the rules already, and besides I don't know who he is,' I say.
    'Xander we need to find Beleg,' pleads Bly grabbing his hand.
    'Should we come too, or is it private?' asks Nithron
    'No, please do come you may be needed,' says Xander.
    We rush down the corridors and outside to Beleg's tent.  Xander calls to Beleg, and he comes out to meet us but his smile quickly fades to a frown and furrowed eyebrows.  He crosses his arms and looks slightly up at us.  He's only a little shorter than I am but has twice as much grit, and determination than all of the camp.  He opens the tent flap and gestures us to enter.  Once inside and the flap closed Xander elaborates on Bly's plan to go to Voronwë and explain to the leaders their situation.
    Beleg hasn't spoken a word, and after Xander stops his face shadows over.  He stands in front of us and in the silence I hear him take a deep breath.
    'You haven't heard have you,' says Beleg shifting his weight, and looking around at us, 'Nairi was recovering thanks to Anakis, but now something has aggravated the wound, and the damage to her shoulder was dangerously destructive to her entire arm.  Our options at the moment are for her to be sent back to her people, her arm amputated, or there is a very slim chance that it could heal on it's own. But it would take roots and other herbs that are scarce in the Tawarthion.
    'Bly, your plan to go back to your people is workable; but you might have to take Nairi, or send the needed supplies back to us.  A helper could be sent with you on your new quest, but that is up to you.  Adonis is quiet anxious about her, and will no doubt volunteer to go with you with or without Nairi just to help get the supplies.  Though, he hasn't left her side since they let him in, and won't eat or sleep because of the accident.   He keeps muttering something about it being his fault, and never should have tried to rest.
    'Maybe each one of you should try talking to him, try pulling him out of his self pity.  He hasn't listened to me, Natia, or Anakis.  He just sits there holding her hand and waiting for her to wake up.  That's why I had Bly and Kaymele locked up so they couldn't work any more magic on her.  Natia says it could be fatal if any more is used.'
    I know how Adonis feels, useless and helpless.  Always wondering what you could have done to possibly have it be the other way around.  Bly is the first to break the silence.
    'If you'll have our horses packed with food and provisions for the 8 day journey we will go visit Adonis.  See what he is willing to do,' Bly whispers timidly.  
    Bly has always had a slight fear of Beleg, and I can understand why.  The booming voice and the sharp words give him a commanding air, but he's really kind and protective of his people.  He became General when his wife was killed by the Otrov, Felix's bane, and has been the commanding officer ever since.  Never again has he sang; the other rebels say he was quite good, but he only sang for her.  
    We all leave Beleg and go to Nairi's room.  It's smaller than Bly's room, but there are so many shelves of herbs, roots, and other items that I'm not familiar with, one can hardly tell this is a patients room.  We let one person at a time go in, and all came out with either a scowl or tears.  When it's my turn I find it hard to let go of Nithron, but for the others there I decide to go in without him.
    When I enter the room it feels like I just entered a tomb.  Everything is extremely quiet the windows are shut with dark curtains over them, the birds outside aren't singing, and the only light in the entire room is a single candle.  It takes a moment  for my eyes to adjust to the darkness, but soon I make out Adonis's shape.  He is holding Nairi's hand, like Beleg said he would be, and Nairi's face in the dim light was pale and her cheeks are hollow.  A cloth is draped over her forehead and when she turned her head into the light I could see her eyes are blood shot.  I gasp when I catch a glimpse of her other arm, it's almost all purple/blue with darker shades running down the length of her arm.
    'Adonis?' I whisper.
    'What do you want, are you here to get me to leave too,' he snaps.
    'No, I came to see Nairi, and...' I start but he cuts me short.
    'Oh shut up!  I just want to be alone, to punish myself for being so selfish, and lazy!' he roared, but his voice quavered at the end.  Like he was holding back tears.
    Nothing can explain the horror I feel, then the pang of sadness hits me, and I want to run away.  In the darkness there is nothing heard but our breathing, and I was just about fed up with feeling sorry for him.  
    'Adonis I know your pain, and I can't tell you how to handle it.  That alone is torture to me, because I can't help you overcome your sorrow, for I suffer from it as well.  She's not dead you know, and she won't die if we can get her the help she needs.  You feeling sorry for yourself isn't going to help her anymore than hiding her in the darkness,' as I say this I walk over to the curtains and tear them down.  Letting in a burst of sunlight.  We shield our eyes at the new light, and I open the window, 'now go with them and help Nairi to get better.'
    He looks at Nairi and strokes her hair, so tenderly.  He stands and faces me, at first I think he's going to tear me apart, but instead he gives me a dragon's hug.
    'You better take perfect care of her,' he whispers in my ear.
    I nod, and open the door to find Bly, Xander, and Nithron all listening behind the door.  Adonis passes them and goes straight to the stables to help prepare the packs.  Xander, Bly and Nithron stare at me for an unbelievably long time.
    'What did you say to him?' asks Xander, 'when I talked to him he just yelled for me to leave, and never come again.'
    'And when I calmly talked to him he just mumbled about how terrible he felt and that he didn't want to live if she didn't,' whispers Bly.
    'I guessed his pain to be like mine, but instead of breaking down like I did he simply decided to punish himself.  So where I couldn't help Nithron, he can help Nairi, and I pray he'll be of great help to you on your journey,' I say.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Nuvole (Part 2)

“Here” King Felix shoved 20 silver coins into my hand and left without another word.
“Thank you, Sir.” I mumbled doubting he could hear me, but it was for good measure.
I shoved the coins into my pockets and dashed off. I ran past the training grounds and heard yelling and the sound of swords and arrows hitting post. I ran for what seemed like forever until I had finally reached the palace gates.
OK. I thought. All I need to do is find Posel and very discreetly give him my note.
I had written a note last night with details on everything I heard that night. It took me almost all night to write.
I was about to step out of the gate when a guard saw me. “Halt!" He yelled. “Were are you going young man?“
“The market." I replied with a smile, hoping I wouldn’t have to stay here long.
“Alright you may proceed"
I sighed with relief as I passed the man.
As I arrived at the market the amount of people and carts overwhelmed me. I stood there taking it all in for a minute then remembered I needed to find Posel.
I looked for him at every cart. I knew for a fact he would come into town as a seller of goods, he always did.
Posel always disguised himself as someone who could get into the castle so he could talk to me and get my information. I knew his face well and I knew he knew mine, so as soon as I saw him I knew without a doubt it was in fact him.
"Good evening sir." I smiled at Posel, in his apple seller disguise.
"Oh, good evening Nuv- New Face. It is always good to see a new face." He smiled at his save. I thought it was the worst one I had ever heard.
"Yes, my name is, Nuvole." I extended my hand for him to shake.
Palsu." He said shaking it. Palsu was the name he used here.
I pretended to be looking over his apples and I randomly selected one that looked to be less rotten then the others.
I held up the apple "How much?" I looked him in the eye, with the best I have something to give you look.
"Five silver coins." He said holding up five fingers.
I pulled the coins out of my pocket along with my note, which I had folded up to about the size of the coins. "Alright then, five." I put the five coins in his hand plus the note and walked onward.
"Thank you." He called back to me. "You have been most helpful."
I walked past more carts and bought a few random things just so whoever the king sent to spy on me wouldn't be suspicious.When I felt like I had done enough I headed back towards the palace.
When I got back King Felix was there to greet me. “Ah good, I was beginning to think you ran away my little pet." He smiled at me evilly.
Little pet? Really? I handed him ten silver coins.
"Good boy." He ruffled my ears like a dog.
I really want to kill him right now.
Thank you, sir." I bowed and we walked back to the main part of the palace.
I went to my room and sat on my bed. That settles it. One day soon, I'm getting out of here.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Xander {Part 4}

Xander grimaced, and put more of the ointment on his arm. That girl, Linki, was running around passing out bandages and ointments the physicians and Fairies had in stock.
His wound wasn't bad, but it was deep enough to cause pain, and whatever herbs had been mixed into this green stuff was making the sting worse.
He didn't hear her come up behind him until she placed her hand on his shoulder, "Need help?"
"Oh, uhm..." Xander glanced down at the bandages Linki had given him, "I highly doubt I can put these on with one arm".
Bly nodded, and sat beside him on the stone bench, and helped wrap the clean strips of cloth around his arm.
Her silence was heavy, while Bly wasn't a highly talkative person, but it was rare for her to say nothing whatsoever.
Xander cleared his throat, "I see the Rebels found you a new dress"
She nodded and mumbled "Yes" and like a hesitant animal, retreated back into her cave of silence.
Xander sighed, and Bly looked up, "Oh, I'm, I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" She held her hands away.
"No, no. You're very gentle, I was it no heed" Xander tried reassuring her, but she finished quickly and, if possible, more gently.
She stood up, and started to walk away, but Xander stood, "Bly, wait".
She stopped walking, but didn't turn to face him. She held her hands clenched at her sides.
'Is she angry at me, for insisting she stay with Kaymele, and being left alone?'
He took a step forward, "Bly, I'm, I'm sorry. I shouldn't-"
She turned, and he saw the tears streaking down her face, "Don't blame yourself for my problems, Captain Bolivar. It's hardly fair to burden you with them" she turned, and walked away quickly, making it evident she was done talking.
Xander wanted to run after her, but he heard his name being called from across the courtyard.
General Beleg, a dwarf who made up for his short stature with a huge voice and bravery.
"Xander Bolivar!" He came up to Xander, and caught the last glimpse of Bly fleeing the area.
"What's wrong with her?" He asked, jerking a thumb in the way Bly had taken. Xander shrugged, which the pain in his arm quickly scolded him for, "I have no idea sir, something seems to have upset her"
Beleg laughed, "Well, that's apparent. It's good to see even Elvish woman get temperamental and moody"
Xander nodded, and Beleg glanced up at him, "Oy, Captain Bolivar, you plan on just letting her run away?"
Xander started to reply, but hearing his Aragathian Gaurd title used snapped at his attention, "General, I- Nithron I suppose informed you to my status? I'd be more then pleased if you wanted me to testify in front of a court, I'd completely underst-"
Beleg chuckled, and drew a rolled up paper from his coat, "In fact, I knew before Nithron told me" he held the paper out, and Xander hesitantly took it with his good arm.
"We got this from one of our men inside Aragathia..."

"I write to inform General Beleg Stonesir of the expected arrival of a dear friend of mine, Captain Xander Bolivar. He should arrive with the Elven Ambassador Bly Fernwalker"

It went on to go into enough praise to cause Xander discomfort, he skipped to the bottom where an all too familiar seal was pressed into that signature red wax.

"Greven Yark: Chief of Archery, and humble servant to the Freedom Movement"

Xander stared at the seal for a moment, Greven? It seemed like he somehow always knew, the way Greven acted, a thing he would say,
It made sense now.
Beleg coughed, drawing Xander back to the present, as he handed the letter back to the Dwarfish commander, Beleg said "I am not often found disagreeing with Lt. Yark, and I don't plan to now" he extended his hand, "Welcome to Revelin, Captain Bolivar" his grip was firm and incredible strong, and he walked off with a smile, but a few steps, and he stopped, "Oh, just a hint of advice, Captain. It's best to not leave a woman alone when she is in distress. It grows quicker then mushrooms over night, and often can get more terrifying then a full grown warrior Dragon" he winked, and strode off.
Xander waited until the General was gone, and took off quickly in the direction Bly had fled.


He found her in the stables where Ciar and Rudy had been stabled. She had entered Ciar's stall, and slid down against the wall. For a moment, he hesitated, would interrupting her now get him slammed against the wall? She was pretty fearful when angered. A pitiful little sob made his mind for him.
"Bly?" He stepped forward, and she hastily wiped her eyes and stood, brushing straw from her dress.
"No, no, please. Sit back down" he held up his good hand, and she nodded, and sunk back into her formerly dejected fashion.
He joined her on the stall floor, and for a moment, they just sat there. Listening to Ciar munching on hay, and the occasional snort from Rudy.
Finally Bly spoke, "you must think me pretty despicable"
Xander looked down at her, and felt his heart break for some unknown reason, "I could never think of you as despicable. You are everything but that. You are considerate, cheerful, helpful, selfless, gentle, and peaceful to be around"
Bly burst into sobs, and covered her face with her hands, causing Xander to wonder what in all the name of all Incantevole he had said wrong.
"I'm not gentle, I nearly killed you that night. I'm not cheerful, look at me! I'm not selfless, and I'm certainly not helpful! While everyone was away fighting for Nairi, I was here, terrified, worried, and impotent" and with that she burst into a fresh peal of tears.
"A-and-d, I'm-m n-not ev-even a very g-good elf!"
He pulled her into a hug, and she sat there, crying her poor Elven heart out, while Xander was trying to decide whether he was as awkward feeling as before.
Finally when her sobs had ceased into small sniffs from time to time, he raised her face to look at him, "Bly, of all the creatures under the sun, you are the least despicable" she opened her mouth to protest, but he put a finger on her lips to stop her. "None of that" he smiled, "Not all of us are fighters, Bly. Nor are all of us ambassadors. Some are meant to be peace bringers. To simply bring joy in other's lives by their attitudes, and smiles. The peace makers are indeed the rarest, but you are one of them, and it doesn't make you less, or imperfect, or less noble. And whatever rubbish about you not being a proper Elf, I don't care. If that's not who you are, why continue trying to squeeze yourself into a person you aren't?"
She blinked up at him, and for a few moments, he couldn't read her expressions, then her eyes began to fill with tears again, and Xander thought he had failed. But, Bly threw her arms around his neck, "Thank you, Xander. You've become wiser in your shorter human years then I have in my 1,023 Elven years".
Xander smiled, "23"
Bly sat back, "what?"
"23. 23 years, 1,000 years after you"
Bly laughed her rare genuine laughs, "Oh. But thank you anyway, for coming to talk to me..." She suddenly colored, and looked down, "I rather hoped you would" she added so quietly, it was hard to catch.
Xander pretended not to hear the last piece, but held it in that special place close to his heart anyway.
Suddenly she looked back up, "May I ask, a favor?"
In his current mood, Xander was sure he'd capture a Ortrov and tame it for her if all she did was ask.
"My people, they probably don't know about the situation here, but should we match to war, they'd want to be alongside the rebels. I need to go, and alert them to the current happenings, of course, I don't want to leave until I'm sure Nairi will be fine" Xander's heart dropped, she was going to leave 'Its her choice, you can't make her stay, Xander'.
But Bly wasn't finished, "I know it isn't normal for a Human to enter Voronwë, but I'd like very much....I mean to say, it would probably be best should you accompany me, for safety reasons"
Xander was stunned, Voronwë, the prized city. Many times Felix had tried to enter it, only to be repelled by the Purity of the area. It covered that part of the land like a shield, and permitted only those with pure spirits to enter. It was said that the Purifying aurora could heal the greatest wounds, to the heart, soul, or body.
"Bly, I'm, honored that you ask me to come..."
She brightened, "So you shall come?"
"I honestly don't know if I am worthy"
He felt unequal to that honor, he might not have been wicked, but he wasn't spotless, and it would be great shame to him if he was unable to enter the City's aurora.
Bly smiled, and said softly, in quote of his previous words, "Xander, of all the creatures under the sun, you are the most worthy"
He had to chuckle at how she turned his words, "Very well, I shall speak to General Beleg, and obtain his permission"
Her smile was reward enough.
And Ciar stomped her hoof, and whinnied as if it were all very funny indeed.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Andromeda (part 2)

 Andromeda paced angerly back and forth in her room, silently seething.

 How could my pet do something so foolish?

 Of course, she knew not to completely blame the creature, it was defending itself after all. Although it didn't do it much good, and had caused some of the needed carriers to fall deathly ill.

 Felix's efforts in obtaining the girls had failed as well, if the loud shouting downstairs had anything to say about it.

 Andromeda stopped pacing and looked out of her window, the one facing the setting sun, her former home land. How she longed to be on its surface again, dancing in its flame, with no worry about foul, fragile host bodies. But she could never return, not after her sisters exhaled her.

 Soon, she thought, I will have this world as my own, with my love by my side, and we will rule eternally.

 With these thoughts, Andromeda composed herself and began the descent downstairs to comfort her Felix. They would find the hearts needed for their immortality potion soon enough, they just needed to be patient.

Sorry it's so short...and late.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Anakis (Part 3)

   I hold my breath for one small moment, then breath out.   Now they all shall know my true self, I told myself.  With that thought, I tore off my robe.   Some others gasp, but Natia just nods.    "I must go, Anakis," Natia told me.   "I'll be outside.   You know I'm not good at these things."   I say nothing, but look straight to Nairi in fear.   I hope this works, I tell myself.   I haven't practiced in a while.   
   I sigh, then begin my chants.   "Oh, Deus, come into me.   May your spirit be in my fingers.   Oh Deus, the mighty Healer, may I do what is good in your sight.  Deus, come to me.   Come.   Come!"   Then all of the sudden I felt the shiver go down my spine.   Here He is, I thought to myself.    I now prayed a silent prayer to He who is within me, Please, oh Healer, may I heal Nairi.   I don't want someone I barely know to die in my own arms!   The people will blame both me and You, and no one, and I mean no one, shall ever believe that you are a just and merciful Lord. 
   As I opened my eyes, I looked down at Nairi.   She was so pale!   A small tear ran down my cheek and landed on hers.   She stirred, but did not wake.   Here we go, said I, and I began to rub my hand all over Nairi's head.   Be merciful, have mercy on this poor girl, I whispered to He who is within me. I could almost hear his tender voice saying, "You who fear Me, trust Me - I am your help and shield."   Oh, such calm came to me!
   All of the sudden, Nairi awakened!   I was overjoyed and tearfully whispered, "Praise be to Deus, healer of even the best of healers!"
   Nairi, in a weak voice, uttered, these words, "P-praise, t-t-to, T-Tu-han."
   I gasped, then cried out, "Oh, Deus!   Thou art more merciful than I deserve!"   I fell face downward on the floor.   "Thou hast healed Nairi faster that ever imagined!"   And with that, I began to light a candle for the life of Nairi is spared.

Kaymele (part 6)

    'I will not fail!  Bly you must wake up your life depends on it!' I yell, shaking her vigorously.  
    'The doctors want her to be awake so the medicine will work.  Oh, that medicine has made her sleepy and it really worked this time.' I think to myself.  'Time is running out and I still haven't awakened her.  There's only one thing left to try.'
    'Oo ee veh-thehd nah ee ohn-nahd.  See boh oo-thahn-nah.  Eye oo-ess-tell-ee, ess-tell-ee-akh nahd,' I pause and still she doesn't stir, 'Ess-tell-ee-oh hahn, ess-tell-ee-oh hahn, ess-tell-ee-oh, ess-tell-ee-oh hahn, ess-tell-ee-oh vehl-ehth.' I sing in the clearest and sweetest voice.
    There is a long, silent, pause.  Even the noise outside the building; where the sounds of workers could be heard, was silent.  Her eyes flutter open and she moans softly.
    'What, where am I?  Kaymele, are there three of you?  You all sing so beautifully,' said Bly wobbling back and forth as she tried to sit up. 
    'Stop, just lay there for a while Bly you've been through so much, and we had to triple your dose of medicine.  The drugs we had to use on you are causing you to see things in triple I guess.  Don't worry it will go away in a few hours,' I say adjusting her blankets, 'Xander hasn't left you bedside since we gave you the potion.  I finally sent him away to get some sleep for his own good.  You gave us quite a scare.'
    'Oh my head!  How long was I out?' asked Bly in a croaky whisper.
    'Dear, you've been out for nearly six days,' I say.
    'Oh my, it felt as if it were only a few hours.  Can I have some water?' whispered Bly.
    'Of course,' I say pouring a glass.
    'There was something I wanted to ask you before.  What happened back when Nithron rescued you?  What did he rescue you from?'
    I look at the floor and bite my lip.  Fresh memories of Eleniel flood my mind and the tears begin to slide down my cheeks.  To remember that night when horror, pain, and hatred entered my life again.
    'I-I can't tell you. The memories are too much for me, she wouldn't want me to speak of the past.  She was so young and beautiful, why did it have to be her,' I say between sobs.
    'Who do you speak of?  I promise not to speak a word of it to anyone,' says Bly the same way Eleniel used to say to me when she knew I was hiding something.
    A dozen thoughts buzzed in my head, and the fear of anything escaping this room was nagging at my mind.  What if she told Xander about my deeds.  He's not the type of person that you tell murders to and he's fine with it.  What if Nithron found that I spoke of it.  I blushed at the thought of it escaping to his ears.
    'I cannot trust even you my friend, and it would be far too much sorrow for your pure ears to hear,' I say wiping the streams of tears that continue to flow.
    'It was someone dear to you... a friend, or a member of your family perhaps?' Bly questioned. 
    'Please don't make me answer!' I plead.  'Oh how I loath pleading!' 
    Then Nithron enters the room his shoes barely making any noise against the soft earthen floor.  I think he's glad to see Bly awake, but when he looked at me his expression changed.  
    'Kaymele, you've been crying.  What troubles you?' he asks handing me a cloth to wipe my face.
    'Nothing, just happiness... and the wild onions that I was sent to pick I accidentally rubbed into my eyes and they started watering,' I say trembling, 'have you seen Nairi?  Were the herbs useful to Anakis and Natia?'
    'Nairi is sleeping now, I think Adonis won't last much longer he looked exhausted when I stopped in,' he paused and chuckled to himself then continued, 'Anakis and Natia are professional healers, and they send you thanks for the herbs.' 
    'How is Xander?' asks Bly trying to sit up again.
    'He is tired and anxious.  He stayed awake for 5 days always sitting in here with you,' said Nithron.
    She blushed a deep red and lowers her eyes.  I retrieve more salve for her cuts and burns; but from her complexion I can tell the medicine is starting to work.  I wished that I could use my powers on the burns but I've never tried to heal an Elf.  It might start another kind of infection or something even more terrible.  As I apply the salve Nithron soaks a bandage in cold water, and hands it to me.  I noticed it was wet at the last moment, but by then it was too late.  For a moment I was water itself then I feel myself falling faster and faster until I hit the floor with a thud.  'Oh great, just great,' I think to myself.
    'Thanks Nithron!  Now look what you did,' I shout angrily.
    Lying on the floor both Bly and Nithron now see what happened.  I have now gained a tail, the scales are shimmering in the light coming from the high windows.  My eyes are now blue and my hair; that had been in a loose braid, now hung loose down my back.  My dress was now gone, and in it's place from the torso up, a greenish bodice that has cap sleeves and ornate designs all over.  On my arms I have arm bands that swirl between my shoulder and elbow.  The most startling to them was the tattoo on my hand.  They both stare at me with open mouths, frozen in shock.  I sigh and lift my hand above my tail; curling in my fingers the water begins to evaporate off me.  In a few moments I'm back on my feet applying salve again.
    'What just happened?' asked Nithron still standing stalk still.
    'Oh, nothing.  Just a little thing I forgot to tell you about myself,' they both still looked puzzled so I continued, 'If water touches my skin then I become a mermaid.  It's like that for all the other merfolk, a single drop alone can cause a transformation.' 
    As I was finishing my speech Adonis rushes in looking frantically around.  
    'Have any of you seen Nairi? I woke up and she was gone!' exclaims Adonis.
    'Now just slow down.  She may have gone to find water or some other thing that Ceridwen's might need,' said Nithron reassuring Adonis.
    In the silence that followed Adonis heard something that not even mine or Nithron's Elf ears could hear.  He dashes off down the long corridor.  Nithron starts to leave when Xander runs past.  
    'Xander!' calls Bly.
    'Bly!  Your awake, and look much better than when I saw you last,' says Xander slightly gasping for breath.
    'Hurry Nithron that was Nairi's scream,' he says taking off again, 'I will come back Bly and talk to you properly.'
    'Hurry Nithron, I'm coming too,' I say starting towards the door.
    'Whoa, you aren't going anywhere,' says Nithron grabbing my arm, 'we don't know the trouble, and you are attending Bly.  Please stay here.'
    'Please, don't go,' pleads Bly.
    'Oh, Bly.  I guess I must stay and assist Bly as you say Nithron,' I say lowering my gaze.
    'We will return,' says both Xander and Nithron.
    Soon after they left I peeked out the door.  Not a soul to be seen.  I turn and face Bly, she is fussing with her dress.  I give her the dress that the rebels kindly gave for her to change into.  Even though it had been worn by a lady with much longer arms and a bigger waist than Bly, it was in much better condition than the one she was wearing.  She goes into the next room to change and adjust it.
    'Here's my chance,' I think, 'I'll just quietly slip away while she's busy.'
    Swiftly I ran; down the corridor and out the large doors towards the Captain's tent.  There aren't any people around, and that worries me.  I reach the entrance of the tent and call for Captain Beleg.  The tent flap opens and his rough face meets mine.
    'Captain, I expect you heard the scream?' I say.
    'Of course, I have already sent for a hundred of my men to gather their weapons,' says Beleg stepping outside of the tent.
    'Good, I'm going ahead.  Tell your men to hurry!' I say taking off again.
    Beleg doesn't try to stop me like Nithron did, so I rush off to find them.  I listen for Adonis, Xander's sword, the twang of Nithron's new bow, and the singing of arrows flying through the air.  But instead I hear the roar of Prid and follow him.  At last I find them all fighting at the doors of the dungeon.  Hiding in the trees I can see everything.  Two dragons one black as night, and the other grey with sharp green eyes.  I see Adonis his hair in flames and all at once before my eyes there he was a giant, red, dragon.  Then there is nothing but teeth, claws, and fire between them.  Xander, Prid, and Nithron are trying to reach the dragons' tender bellies, but unsuccessfully.  Adonis is tiring fast he's no match for two older dragons.  I call for Florentide to come help him, and she is flying with the most speed she can control.  I search for Nairi but in all the confusion I can't find her short figure anywhere.  I needed a plan, I needed to safely find Nairi, and secretly help Xander, Nithron, and Prid defeat the dragons.  Finally I think of one thing that I was forbidden to do at home.  The council told me that I was never to cast any spells upon anyone or anything, but I'm not home anymore.
    'Iire i luu lende, fuin lanta.  Galad edraith lye ilya!' I whisper.
    As I spoke the words my face began to glow with white light, far brighter than the sun.  My eyes must have been shining too, for no one could look directly into them.  I felt my hair rise and burst into what I guessed to be blue flames, and the rest of me; even my dress, turns into water.  I leap out of my hiding spot and rush towards the battle field.  The fighting stops because of the blinding light, but I dim after a while and the dragons can see again.  The black one takes a swipe with his claw at me, but I see the claw coming, and create a water ball to throw at the sole of his foot.  It meets it's mark and as the water touched his bare, soft, skin he screeched in pain.  The water worked as an acid, it burns and boils the skin until there was nothing left but blood and loose tendons.  
    Florentide arrives and breaths icy fire at the other dragons.  Prid; now a loin, lunges at the dragon and Adonis shoots fire at the injured foot.  The dragon jumps back.  Xander runs forward; nearly getting scorched by the other dragon.  Then the army of a hundred rebels led by Beleg arrives.  With Nithron leading the charge they rush the dragons and the battle has indeed begun.
    'Adonis!' I shout in a watery voice over the battle cries, 'where is Nairi?!'
    'At the edge of the forest.  She is wounded I think, hurry and get her back to Anakis and Natia!'
    I frantically search the edge of the forest, and then I see her.  The long dark hair and the torn dress. 'Nairi,'.  I run faster and faster until I reach her.  Her shoulder has been pierced by a branch I guess to have been bitten off by some other kind of monster.  She is lying in a puddle of red and purple blood an artery must have been punctured when she slammed into the tree.  There was no time for thinking, gently I lift her. Before I can lift her into my arms I see it, one of the dragons transformed back into a man and is shooting arrows with deadly aim.  I watch as one of the arrows pierces into Nithron's side.
    'NOOO!' I scream.
    He falls to the ground and the world seems to be spinning around me, and I hear nothing but the racing beat of my heart as I leave Nairi and run to him.  Before I can fully process what has happened, I throw a water ball at the archer straight onto his chest.  He screams and frantically tries to wipe the water off, but it was far too late.  
    'Death to all who are servants of King Felix!' I scream to him before he died.
    Nithron's breath is getting shorter and he is grabbing at my arm.  I see his blue eyes, and I can't help but tear up.  He pulls my ear towards his lips he says.
    'Save, Nairi...' he whispers.
    The other dragon is taking off and leaving the battle and swearing something, but I can't hear.  Tears are streaming down my face and I can't let go of his hand.
    'No, I won't leave you!' I say holding tighter.
    'Go! You must Go!' he says throwing me back.
    I run back to Nairi still crying.  She is still bleeding badly, and I race back to camp with her in my arms.  Anakis and Natia meet me half way and quickly set to work clearing her room.  After I arrive the spell breaks and I'm back to normal.  Though my nose is bleeding, I don't notice.  
    After what seems like an eternity the battle party returns.  Adonis is in a full sprint towards the building.  I run past him trying to find Nithron, but he stops me.
    'Where is Nairi!' he says taking shallow breaths.
    'She's in her room with Anakis, Natia, and about a dozen other physicians,' I say but stopping him now, 'but Anakis and Natia say that no one else is allowed into the room.'
    'What!  They will surely let me in.  I have to see her!  I was lazy and wasn't there for her,' says Adonis almost beginning to cry.  
    'Look they are Fairies alright!  They are the best healers known to Incantevole,' I say.
    'Fairies?!  How do you know?' he asks shocked.
    'Their colors, just ask Bly, Xander, and maybe even Prid.  They are fairies, and they will stop at nothing to save Nairi,' I say, 'now where is Nithron?  Is he alive?  Who has him?' 
    'Slow down, Xander and Prid are carrying him here as we speak, but I should warn you that...' he says.
    But before he could finish, I was running to find them.  Through the hundred men I searched for them.  Finally I spot them Xander on one side and Prid on the other Nithron in the middle.  His entire side was red with blood.  Xander and Prid didn't look much better, but they were both able to walk.  The arrow was pulled from his side and left behind at the battle field, so now there is a gaping hole where the arrow used to be.  We make a bed for him, and Anakis, Natia and more physicians are beside him telling me to leave.  But I can bear to leave him for even a moment.  I feel Xander and a guard pulling me out of the room.  I claw and bite even scream to stay, but I weaken and they pull me away easily.  Outside the closed door I collapse and bang endlessly against it, screaming, and crying.  No one dares to come near, fearing my violent behavior; I already scratched Xander's arm to the point of bleeding.  Then through my tears I see Bly cautiously walking up to me.  She wraps me in a blanket and takes me back to her room.  
    I lie on her bed and whimper until I fall asleep.  'How many more people that I love will be taken away from me?  First Eleniel, now surely Nithron will die too.' I think, and with unstoppable sobs I slip into a deep sleep.